Saturday, October 16, 2010



October’s half over… so let’s just remember last month with bullet points.


-refinished a craigslist kitchen table

-Eli became a swinging fool… just like his sister

-realized Brother has a voracious appetite for all things non-breastmilk

-Lily became pull-up free at night and celebrated with a ‘Chef party’… Eli posed for the pizza box logo because Lily would NOT

-made drapes for the living room

-Lily discovered the newest Taylor Swift video “Mine’

-Jeff turned 33… with a 'Minnesota’ themed birthday party compliments of Lily (we even built the shape of MN out of big legos… only to have it destroyed before a photo was taken)

-withdrew Lily from pre-school and started Mommy-B-Bug home school… we’ve since named it “Undies School”… because Lily rarely wears pants during class

-Lily started Ballet 1… and looks so cute, cute, cute doing her peanut butter and jelly dance

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Stephanie said...

Sounds like a fun month!

I wish I was as creative as you. You are such a fun mom!

Jessica said...

Love you friend! I miss you!

Suzanne said...

I like the bullet point idea. I may have to copy. Eli's picture on the pizzeria box is one of the best things ever.