Tuesday, September 06, 2011

The end of an era…

Good-bye sleeping in, day trips to wherever we please, afternoon movies, jammies all day…


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Last night was spent listening to constant jeering from el Jefe as I…

sewed flowers onto an aqua t-shirt so that it would match the leopard tutu skirt and gold sneakers that she chose for her first day,

made headbands for all of her new outfits

sprayed chalkboard paint on a piece of wood for a sign that we’ll use in pictures for the next 13 years,

made signs and cut out a million paper apples for a last minute parent craft to do at our ‘Boo Hoo Woo Hoo Breakfast”.


Surprisingly, no tears were shed today…      (except by Eli who added to his head wound collection)

It may be the end of one era of our lives… but I think I’m going to love the new one that is dawning.

Happy first day of school precious B-Bug!

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  1. She looks beautiful. I hope she had a good first day. I'm glad there weren't any tears (except for Eli's head wound.) :) I love her sparkly backpack too. Hard to believe Lukie B and Lily Bug are in pre-k.

  2. Anonymous7:51 PM

    After reading your post, it brought tears to my eyes!!! I can hardly believe that my litle precious Lily is in Pre-K, and now in school for the next 17 years at least!! She looks SO, SO beautiful in her back to school outfit!!!!

    Love You, Maow

  3. Anonymous9:42 AM

    She is so grown up! I wish she was going to school here in Lyle. She and Gracie would look so cute walking to school together!
